Certificates og authorization

​Authorization Certificate

Authorization for companies Performing Organic Activities from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.

The FONASBA Quality Standard

​Assists ship owners and operators to identify agents who are well funded and demonstrate a tangible commitment to quality.

GMP+ certification

​We hold GMP+ certificate for trade, storage & transhipment of feed materials.

​VLOG certification

VLOG Certification ​for Logistics & Handling of feed materials

Complete logistic solutions

Svane Shipping ​offers a complete logistic solution for the transport of your cargo. You get a local partner with a global network, which is a guarantee that we can complete any assignment.

Vi er en kreditværdig virksomhed baseret på Bisnodes kreditvurderingssystem. Vurderingen er foretaget ud fra en mængde forskellige beslutningsregler. Oplysningerne bliver opdateret dagligt via Bisnodes database. Kreditvurderingen af virksomheden er således altid aktuel.

Certificates og authorizations

​The FONASBA Quality Standard

GMP+ certific​ate

​VLOG cert​ificate​


Autorization certificate​​

​Organic activities

Svane Shipping A/S

Nordkajen 2, DK-6000 Kolding

Click here for directions​

CVR: 54638116

Phone.: +45 75 52 18 11
E-mail addresses: 

Invoices:      invoice@svaneshipping.dk

​Agency:        agency@sv​aneshipping.dk

Chartering::  info@svaneshipping.dk​

General:        mail@svaneshipping.dk​