
Svane Shipping A / S became a reality on 1st of May 2007 when the two shipping companies, Neckelmann & Hansen and Svane & Gjørding merged under the name Svane Shipping A/S and thus formed a new, large shipping company in Kolding.

Merging should ensure that Kolding also in the future could present an active port environment and a competitive, modern and solid shipping company for the benefit of both the city, the port and the many customers in the south eastern Jutland area. 

​The port of Kolding already at that time played a central role for the development of the local area, due to a number of reasons. As a workplace Kolding Port offered the largest numbers of jobs in the city, while at the same time many companies in the local area depended on the deliveries of cargo to and from domestic ports and especially ports abroad.

In 2007 the port of Kolding was the 8th largest port in Denmark measured in cargo tonnage handled, and already at that time with an important advantage as trimodal distribution center. A trimodal platform is a combination of services within handling ships- roads- and rail. In many other ports, the rails were eventually removed, so there was no longer the possibility of transporting and handling cargo directly to and from the port area by train.

Traditional virtues – New possibilities

Both Svane & Gjørding and Neckelmann & Hansen were traditional and proud Kolding-companies, which both had an approximate 100-years history each.

Svane & Gjørding was founded in 1926. Already at that time the company had subsidiaries and associated companies in England, Poland og Latvia.
​Neckelmann & Hansen was established in 1911 by Chr. Neckelmann. Not only working as a shipping company, Neckelmann & Hansen worked the cargoliine between Kolding and Bornholm, which stopped in the late 00´s.

The merged company, Svane Shipping A/S, remained in the residence of Svane & Gjørdings at the Port of Kolding, in the characteristic building at Nordkajen 2, to which in 1990 was added a "twin-building" creating Svane Shippings new domicile.

Svane Shippings new logo was created, showing an image of two flying swans. This to illustrate the partnership which the merging was resulting in. We wanted to show the two companies are now flying in same direction, heading forward and symbolise commitment with our customers.

Growing to double size

After more than a decade as halfpart owner Svane Shipping A/S fully took over Havneterminalen A/S per January 1st  2014. With the full control of Havneterminalen, we added additional capacity, facilities and skills. The two companies emerged as one - Svane Shipping A/S.
​Svane Shipping A/S capacity was hereby increased to a total of 70.000 m2 modern warehouse & terminals. 63.000 m2 of these situated with our headquarter in Kolding.​


Complete logistic solutions

Svane Shipping ​offers a complete logistic solution for the transport of your cargo. You get a local partner with a global network, which is a guarantee that we can complete any assignment.

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Certificates og authorizations

​The FONASBA Quality Standard

GMP+ certific​ate

​VLOG cert​ificate​


Autorization certificate​​

​Organic activities

Svane Shipping A/S

Nordkajen 2, DK-6000 Kolding

Click here for directions​

CVR: 54638116

Phone.: +45 75 52 18 11
E-mail addresses: 

Invoices:      invoice@svaneshipping.dk

​Agency:        agency@sv​aneshipping.dk

Chartering::  info@svaneshipping.dk​

General:        mail@svaneshipping.dk​