Warehouse & Freight forwarding

Freight forwarding

With focus on ideas and wishes, we in close cooperation with our customers, tailor the logistic solution and make sure that the assignment is carried out in a correct and fast way. We gladly also take care of customs clearance and documentation.

Svane Shipping A/S is specialized in handling all kinds of bulk cargoes, but we also handle project cargoes, special transports and general cargoes.

We have train rails “running to the doors” of our terminal, which allows us to handle goods via rail wagons as well. For the general cargo we have dedicated abt. 18.000 sqm flexible warehouse, in which we among other things handle industrial goods, tiles as well as paper in reels. 


At our bulk-terminals we handle a wide range of agricultural products and biofuels etc. We are specialized in handling fertilizer products, but also grain, feeding stuff and woodpellets among others are stored at our more than 60.000 sqm terminals at the Port of Kolding.

We have several type of storages including isolated and heated facilities.


We also offer bagging of bulk carges via our modern bagging line, which can bag bulk cargoes into big bags of 500-1.500 kos. The line offers a capacity of upto 180 big bags per hour. We have as well a fully automatic bagging line which can bag into 11-15 kos bags on pallets.

Certificates & authorization

Svane Shipping handle feeding stuff applicable to demands in the GMP+ B3 standard for handling and transhipment. Likewise we have VLOG Certification and Authorisation Certificate for performing Organic activities at our warehouses and have over a longer period build up a good experience which such products.


If You need further information, would like to visit our facilities or are having a request regarding our terminals, You are more than welcome to contact:​

Kurt Bisgaard
​Phone: +45 36 96 88 88

E-mail: kbi@svaneshipping.dk

Steen Fischer Holm
​Phone: +45 36 96 88 94

E-mail: sho@svaneshipping.dk​​

Complete logistic solutions

Svane Shipping ​offers a complete logistic solution for the transport of your cargo. You get a local partner with a global network, which is a guarantee that we can complete any assignment.

Vi er en kreditværdig virksomhed baseret på Bisnodes kreditvurderingssystem. Vurderingen er foretaget ud fra en mængde forskellige beslutningsregler. Oplysningerne bliver opdateret dagligt via Bisnodes database. Kreditvurderingen af virksomheden er således altid aktuel.

Certificates og authorizations

​The FONASBA Quality Standard

GMP+ certific​ate

​VLOG cert​ificate​


Autorization certificate​​

​Organic activities

Svane Shipping A/S

Nordkajen 2, DK-6000 Kolding

Click here for directions​

CVR: 54638116

Phone.: +45 75 52 18 11
E-mail addresses: 

Invoices:      invoice@svaneshipping.dk

​Agency:        agency@sv​aneshipping.dk

Chartering::  info@svaneshipping.dk​

General:        mail@svaneshipping.dk​